gray area 灰區〔指難以界定其學科性質的知識領域或難以界定其準確范疇...
灰區〔指難以界定其學科性質的知識領域或難以界定其準確范疇的事物或現象〕。 “gray“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.格雷〔姓氏,男子名〕。 2.Thomas Gr ...“area“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.面積;平地;地面。 2.空地;〔英國〕地下室前 ...“gray area trade restrictions“ 中文翻譯: 灰暗區貿易限制措施“thalamic area of periventricular gray“ 中文翻譯: 室周灰質的丘腦部“gray“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕= grey。 n. 1.格雷〔姓氏,男子名〕。 2.Thomas Gray 托馬斯格雷〔1716-1771,英國詩人,其名作為《墓畔哀歌》〕。 “gray gray“ 中文翻譯: 格雷格雷“gray to gray“ 中文翻譯: 階調“aaron gray“ 中文翻譯: 阿隆; 亞倫・格雷“andy gray“ 中文翻譯: 格雷“art gray“ 中文翻譯: 藝術工作室“beauty and gray“ 中文翻譯: 布提與格雷“brush gray“ 中文翻譯: 圓頭滲線灰“bump gray“ 中文翻譯: 印花襯布“cadet gray“ 中文翻譯: 藍灰; 淺蟹灰“castle gray“ 中文翻譯: 古堡灰“central gray“ 中文翻譯: 中灰質; 中央灰質“cervical gray“ 中文翻譯: 頸髓灰質“charcoal gray“ 中文翻譯: 炭灰色“charlotte gray“ 中文翻譯: 亂世有情天; 夏洛特・格雷; 戰地有心人“chris gray“ 中文翻譯: 克里斯格雷“code, gray“ 中文翻譯: 葛萊碼“coleen gray“ 中文翻譯: 科琳格雷“cyd gray“ 中文翻譯: 格雷“dapple gray“ 中文翻譯: 灰黑花的“dapple-gray“ 中文翻譯: 菊花青的
gray diplomat |
“ as the line between professional and personal usage of the internet becomes more of a gray area , many employees have started to rely on it to complete their job duties as well as perform personal tasks during the work day , “ said geoff haggart of internet firm websense , which conducted the survey “隨著網絡的工作用途和私人用途之間的界限越來越模糊,很多員工在開始依靠互聯網完成工作任務的同時,也會在工作時間順便處理一些私事。 ”負責這次調查的websense網絡公司的喬夫哈賈特說。 |
According to new research into internet usage in the office , as the line between professional and personal usage of the internet becomes more of a gray area , many employees have started to rely on it to complete their job duties as well as perform personal tasks during the work day 一項針對辦公室互聯網使用狀況的最新研究表明,隨著網絡的工作用途和私人用途之間的界線越來越模糊,很多員工在開始依靠互聯網完成工作任務的同時,也會在工作時間順便處理一些私事 |
But i would venture that there is and will continue to be considerable gray area associated with hong kong s autonomous status and this will necessitate ongoing discussion between the people and their government of means to refine and improve the economic and political structure here 但是,我覺得“香港自治”地位仍存在相當的灰色地帶,使得民眾與政府間有必要繼續對改進和完善經濟、政治架構的方式進行討論。 |
When we apply these principles to the gray areas of life we discover the realization of actions applied to our goals and our values become crystal clear and we experience the joy of what happens in daily living 當我們在人生的灰色地帶應用這些原則,就會發現我們的行動指向我們的目標,而我們的價值觀十分清楚,我們因而在每日的生活中經歷喜樂。 |
Icon added in a gray area below the formthis area is called the component tray . if you click outside of the 您也許已經注意到,有一個“ menustrip1 ”圖標添加到了窗體下面的灰色區域,這個區域被稱為組件欄。 |
Then you are probably thinking , “ well what about the gray areas ? “ you know , the gray areas are an interesting thing 遇上人生的灰色地帶,我們只須跟隨那些原則,應用那些原則,就知道該怎樣做。 |
People like things in black and white . you are either deaf or you are not . no gray areas 人們喜歡黑白分明的事物,你要么聾,要么不聾,沒有模棱兩可的灰色地帶! |
Scratch area is the gray area that surrounds the image of your publication on the computer screen 空閑區是指計算機屏幕上出版物圖像周圍的灰色區域。 |
“ wall is about the realness of life ? the gray areas , “ said latavia “ 《寫在墻上的話》表現真實的生活?它的灰色領域, ”拉塔維婭說。 |
The question remains how to make the right choice in the gray areas 在灰色的區域中問題仍然是如何進行正確的選擇。 |
There are lots of gray areas morally and ethically and spiritually 當我們應用那些真理的原則,問題就迎刃而解。 |
Dad , it ' s all a gray area , - the bible is black and white 爸爸,所有事都能商量的-圣經是黑白分明的! |
- dad , it ' s all a gray area , - the bible is black and white -爸爸,所有事都能商量的-圣經是黑白分明的! |
I ’ m having trouble answering you because there ’ s a gray area 這個問題還不確定,我現在不好回答你。 |
- jesus , dad , stop it , - patrick , this is not a gray area , -爸爸,別說了-帕特里克,這事沒得商量 |
Jesus , dad , stop it , - patrick , this is not a gray area , 爸爸,別說了-帕特里克,這事沒得商量 |
Scratch area is the gray area surrounding the picture area 草稿區是圖片區周圍的灰色區域。 |
The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory . 困難出在那些公眾意見本身就模棱兩可或自相矛盾的含糊領域。 |
When the rules for police procedure were laid down , a lot of gray areas remained . 警方的程序規章訂立后,遺留下許多難以處理的灰色區域。 |